公司位于中國經濟活躍的長江三角洲繁華港口城市--文明衛生城市張家港,東靠上海,南接蘇州,西連無錫,北臨長江下遊,水陸交通十分便捷,地理位置十分優越。 生産經營規模及現狀:經過多年的開拓奮鬥,公司建立了以人才爲動力,科技爲主導,集開發、生産、銷售爲一體的現代新興企業,公司主要生産口岸吊機、艙口蓋和滾裝設備附件、側推導流管、徑管、船用柴油機機座、柴油機掃排氣管、船用吊艇架、船用吊機、舾裝件及甲闆機械,各類大小型機加工制作、艙口蓋等承包工程安裝與調試及冶金等作業的鋼結構制作安裝,主要産品爲國内各大船廠、冶金等行業做配套,同時代理銷售船用電纜、電機等産品。 公司擁有非常先進的生産、加工設備和質量檢測設備。并培養了一批高素質的技術操作人員,都經過嚴格的專業培訓,對質量控制做到萬無一失。這使我公司能在爲各大船廠加工大型,重型,高精度的船用設備更好地做好服務工作。能使我公司的生産管理、質量管理、物流管理及整個成本控制在同行中都處在較好地位。公司現已取得了國内外船級社的支持,同時也得到了船檢、船東的好評。 近年來,公司在主營業務上除了長期爲國外有名企業提供海洋工程機械設備外,還積極開拓民航裝備制造業務,相繼開發了維修機塢、登機用引橋、外場維修梯架、貨運平闆車等民航用相關設備,并通過了ISO9001:2008體系認證。 公司本着誠信、開拓、效率的企業精神,服務至上、以人爲本的經營原則。竭誠歡迎各界朋友前來指導與合作。 The company is located in China's economy the most active of the Yangtze River Delta the bustling port city -- the national hygiene and civilized city of Zhangjiagang.on the east by Shanghai, south of Suzhou, west of Wuxi, north of the Yangtze River, water and land transportation is very convenient, is extremely advantageous geographical location The production scale and current situation: the company establish talent as a driving force.Science and technology as the leading development. Production.sales at home and abroad for the integration of the modern enterprise.the company mainly produce port crane. flow pipe.tube diameter marine diesel engine and engine, diesel engine exhaust, marine crane boat davit, marine crane, hatch cover and rolling equipment annex outfitting and deck machinery, various tvpes of large minicomputer manufacturing hatch cover and other package engineering assembling and debugging and metallurgical works such as the installation of steel production, the main products are for the nation each big shipyard, metallurgical and other industries do form a complete set.the also marketing agent Marine cable,motor.etc The company has advanced production, processing equipment and quality testing equipment. We cultivate a batch of high-quality technical personnel. Have to undergo a rigorous professional training. quality control to be no danger of anything going wrong, one hundred percent qualified This brings me to the company for major shipyards in the processing oflarge, heavy, high precision marine equipment better service work. To make my company's production management, quality management, logistics management, and overall cost control in counterparts are at the leading position. The company has obtained the domestic and international ship's classification society support, but also by the vessel inspection, the owner received. In recent years, the company in the main business in addition to providing marine engineering machinery and equipment for long-term foreign well-known enterprises. but also actively explore the civil aviation equipment manufacturing business. have developed the maintenance dock, with boarding bridge, field maintenance ladder, freight and other related equipment for civil aviation vehicle,and through the ISO9001:2008 system certification. The company adheres to integrity.open,efficient entrepreneurial spirit. Quality first. the credibility of the first.service first. people-oriented business principles. We sincerely welcome friends from all walks of life to guide and cooperation |